Kodi Lee Change Lyrics


kodi lee change lyrics

Kodi Lee Change Lyrics


wo talk is

TE but words cut

deep we got to take a

stand fighting hand in

hand hide behind your life

and your

disguise it starts with you and

I to keep the Lord

alive you got to change where you sense

the dignity no hate we got to act

differently why wa be the positivity oh

stand up we hand it

enough change with you sense of dignity

no hey we got to act differently why wa

be the positivity I stand up we had




wo scrolling down our feet makes us

incomplete no we just can't escape it

don't choose to feed the

simulation worth more than what the

people saying ignore toxic

manipulation don't be fooled by everyone

behind the scenes all this pain just

makes me want to

SLE you got to change with your sense of

dignity no he we got to act differently

why W be the

positivity stand up we hand

enough change where your sense of

dignity no he we got to act differently

while waiting be the positivity I stand

up we hand in

up you got rain where's a sense of

dignity no hey we got to act differently

why way be the positivity all stand up

we had

enough you got to change where your

sense of dignity no HTE we got to act

differently while W be the positivity oh

stand up we have

on change where your sense of dignity no

he we got to act differently while way

be the positivity I stand up we had it

enough I stand up we had it



Title:                                              CHANGE SONG LYRICS

Artist:                                            Kodi Lee

Vocals:                                           Kodi Lee

Piano & Backup Vocals:              Kodi Lee

Writers:                                        Kodi Lee, Blake Wisner, Desiree Borges

Producers:                                   Blake Wisner, Danny Couture

Mastered by:                               Danny Couture

Other Contributing 

Team Members:                         Tina Lee, Eric Lee, Derek Lee, Kayla Lee


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